Super Novas

Illistration of Super Nova
Your looking out of your spaceship port hole, your looking at a Red Giant, a dying star. Somethings happening, the Red Giant is shrinking its now the size of a speck of dust. The an explosion oucurrs bands of space dust and wreckage from the once giant star is hureled twoard space. You just witnessed one of the bigest explosions that coud ever happen, its called a Super Nova.

After Math

Super Novas start out as a regular star or a white dwarf sharing an orbit with another star. (A white dwarf is a very small white star.) These stars will have a long long life. A Super Nova is just the stars death, or two stars that orbit around each other and then collied. Many different theings can be left in the wake of a Super Nova. One thing that can be left in the wake of a super nova would be space dust. Space dust is remenents of the star that blew up, this dust can fruststrat astronimers because the dust clouds vision of stars. Another cosmic object that could be left in the wake of the super nova would be black holes but thats a different story.


Super Nova Classes

Super Novas have two different classes, class Ia and class II. Class Ia is when a binary star system (two stars orbiting each other) has a white dwarf that is sucking the other stars stuff and then when the white dwarf exceeds its mass that it can hold it finally blows up into a Super Nova. Another type of Super Nova is called a type II. A type II Super Nova is at the end of a giant stars life when it's nucler fuel burns up and if the star's iorn core is big enough then it will blow up into a Super Nova 

