
Physicists have a question they desperately want to answer. Could Antimatter destroy the Earth? First, what is anti-matter antimatter is the extension of the concept of the antiparticle to matter, where antimatter is composed of antiparticles in the same way that normal matter is composed of particles. That means anti matter is composed of opposite or anti particles there for anything anti is opposite.  

Now back to the original question
could anti matter destroy the earth? Before I answer that you should know some more things about anti matter, it is the most explosive substance in the universe. Only half of a gram of anti matter is more powerful than one ton of dynamite. A particle of anti matter is identical to regular matter except the electrical charges are reversed and when thy come in contact with each other they completely annihilate each other. So in order to completely erase the earth anti matter you would need an earth sized amount. Which is not very likely because it cost two trillion dollars to manufacture an ounce of it.



          http://videos.howstuffworks.com/howstuffworks/4671-could-antimatter-destroy-  the-earth-video.htm