The  Andromeda Galaxy

The closest galaxy to the Milkey Way galaxy is the Andromeda galaxy. The Andromeda galaxy is the closest galaxy to the Milkey Way galaxy because it is only 2.5 million light years away. The Andromeda galaxy is larger than the Milkey Way because it is 260,000 light years across compared to the 100,000 light years it would take to cross our galaxey, it is also the most distant celestrial objest visable to the naked eye. Like the Milkey Way the Andromeda galaxy also has a black hole in the middle.  Fun fact:  because of the Andromeda galaxey huge mass it is said to canablize small stars and galaxys that come too near.

The Andromeda galaxy end of the world conspircy theory

On the left is the picture of what it would look like if the Andromeda galaxy collides with the Milkey Way. This is actually supposed to happen in 3 billion years. If the two galaxys collide then they would likley merge into one big galaxy. This would be ok if it wern't for the fact that we would probly get ejected from the new galaxy. If we did get ejected from the new galaxy then we probly wouldn't know about it because it wouldn't affect us and the chances that something to happen to us are very slim. Why is this paragraph titled end of the world conspircy theory then, because there is a chance that we could move towards the collision and then it would be the end of life on Earth or as many people say the end of the world.


Want to learn more go to these websites and type in andromeda another good site is and