Black Holes By Samuel Wait

What is a Black Hole?

    Many people think a black hole is a gateway through time and space, but they are actually the remnants of huge stars.
Black holes are made when a huge star, over twenty five times as large as the sun, explodes. After this explosion, there is a black hole where this star once was. Black holes have so much gravity even lightcannot escape it, and when something gets pulled into the black hole, the black hole's gravity increases. There are so many black holes you cannot count them!

It's about time

When you approach a black hole, a strange thing occurs, time slows down. This is because the huge gravity of a black hole distorts the space and time around it. So, if you dropped a clock into a black hole the clock would seem to be ticking more slowly than normal.

 If Black Hole captures light, how do people see it?

It is difficult do locate black holes, but it can be done. If the black hole approaches a star, it may suck matter out of it, forming an Accretion disk. This disk emits a lot of light, though some may not be visible. special cameras will be able to pick up this light, allowing us to locate the black hole. Another way to find a black hole is complety mathimatical. By examining things orbiting an unseen object, the black hole's location could be calculated.

What Kinds of Black Holes are there?

There are Two Kinds of Black Holes, Supermassive and Stellar-mass. Which category they fit into is determined by their mass. A quasar is a special type of suppermassive black hole, but quasars are not dark at all, they are actually some of the brightest objects in the universe! Quasars are turned on when large amounts of matter are poured into a supermassive black hole. The matter ignites and sends a remarkable stream of light shooting out of the quasar, so bright it obscures the surrounding enviroment of the black hole.

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